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Routine Testing

What is Routine Testing?

Routine Testing is a feature that integrate your test scripts (like pytest, jest or even if it's not a testing framework) with other CI systems, allowing you to periodically test with Dogu device farm.

How to use Routine Testing?


We recommend you to do the Dogu Routine interactive tutorial first.

1. Interactive Tutorial


You need to create a project in Cloud Dogu Console before you can try the tutorial.
Please refer to Managing Projects for details.

✅ Click the Routines button as shown below, and ✅ click the Tutorial button.

🎉 Enjoy the tutorial! 🎉

2. Local Testing With Dogu Agent API


You need to install the Dogu Agent in your local environment.


This is an example of using selenium for cross browsing testing.
You can refer to the dogu-routine-examples repository on GitHub for more examples.

1. Checkout The dogu-routine-examples Repository On GitHub

This repository contains examples of using the Dogu Agent API for cross browsing testing with dogu-device-client.

dogu-device-client provides a set of APIs for controlling the Dogu Agent.

  • 🌎 Automatic installation of browser and web drivers for ⚔️ cross browsing testing.
    Auto installables: 🌐 chrome with chromedriver, 🦊 firefox with geckodriver, 📐 edge with edgedriver
  • 💾 Automatic download of project apps for app testing.
    Only when executed in Dogu Routine. If you want it to be available locally, please contact us.
  • 📱 Control of the built-in Appium Server for app testing.

2. Write Environment Variables To .env.local File

# .env.local
DOGU_DEVICE_PLATFORM=macos # or windows

Go to Dogu Agent and click the button on the right side of the device to create the environment variables needed for testing. Copy the environment variables that appear later.

Paste the value copied to the clipboard into the .env.local file.

# .env.local
# ...
DOGU_DEVICE_SERIAL=<your device serial>
DOGU_DEVICE_TOKEN=<your device token>

3. Run Test Script Locally

🎉 Local testing with Dogu Agent API is complete! 🎉

3. Test Running With Dogu Device Farm Using Dogu Routine

Dogu Routine can be integrated with other CI systems such as GitHub Actions, Jenkins, Bitbucket.
If you want to integrate with other CI systems, please connect us.

1. Write Routine Yaml


You can see the Managing Routine for details on how to write the routine yaml.

Add the sample below to your project routine.

2. Change Max Parallel Jobs Count on Your Host Device

Change the max parallel jobs count to 8 on your host device for the parallel execution of the Jobs.


see Managing Device for details on how to change the max parallel jobs count.

3. Create Your Github Token


see Generate GitHub Token for details on how to create Github Token.

4. Integrate With GitHub


see Git Integration for details on how to integrate with GitHub.

5. Run The Routine


see Run a Routine for details on how to run a routine.

🎉 Test Running With Dogu Device Farm Using Dogu Routine! 🎉

4. Integration With Other CI Systems for Routine Testing


see CI/CD for details on how to integrate with other CI systems.

If you want to integrate with other CI systems, please connect us.

🎉 Integration with other CI systems for routine testing is complete! 🎉